Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards are open to graduating secondary level students and those currently studying towards a first university degree or diploma in a Canadian post-secondary institution. For students in Quebec, you must be entering 2nd year cégep or university.
To be considered, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Involvement in voluntary humanitarian work.
- Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.
- Undergraduates studying towards their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution in Canada.
- Maintain a satisfactory academic standing and continued involvement in voluntary humanitarian and community work.
Students are eligible to receive the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award until they have received their first university degree (for a maximum of four years), provided they have maintained a standard of humanitarian work and personal conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, justifies the award.
Directly taken from http://terryfoxawards.ca/applicant-information/
Value: $28 000 over four years
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Up to two scholarships of $1,500 are available for French Second Language (FSL) students entering their first year of a post-secondary program in the French language.
Dr. Mary Joyce Booth was a devoted and enthusiastic educator, well known in Canadian Parents
for French circles for many years before her death on March 22, 2007. She was passionate about
promoting French-Second-Language (FSL) education. Dr. Booth was a professor of French in the
College of Education, Department of Curriculum Studies, at the University of Saskatchewan in
Saskatoon. She endlessly supported opportunities for young FSL students. She also provided
moral, professional, personal, and financial assistance to all levels of Canadian Parents for French over the years. Her interest in FSL initiatives started early; her passion for language was her life’s work. This award honours her memory.
Application Form
Deadline: April 8, 2016
For the most up-to-date information go to directly to Campion College, since changes and updates do occur.
Points to consider:
- Campion College (Arts/Science Student) and Univeristy of Regina
- Graduating grade 12 this year and plan on attending the U of R next year.
- There are over 15 scholarships you can apply
Application Form
Deadline: March 15, 2016
Students who are interested in learning or practicing French are welcome to apply for Destination Clic (Grade 8 and 9) or Explore.
Participants in these programs receive a bursary and are able to practice their French-language skills through a variety of workshops, classes, and cultural activities.
- Destination Clic Deadline: March 31, 2016
- Explore Deadline: February 28, 2016
Government Link

– Variety of Programs
– Variety of Scholarships